I'm on a scrapping roll or something, cause this is my second one for today. These are pictures of me and Keith, taken just a couple of days before our 8th anniversary. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by!
Maricela is crawling!! I can't believe it. We are just so excited. Not really excited about all the messes she will now be making, or all the cleaning we'll have to do now that she can find anything on the floor anywhere to put into her mouth, but excited about the fact that she was able to lift that big tummy off the floor and move across the rug on her own! (And I know that was a really long sentence, sorry.) I was sitting on the rug with her yesterday and she was playing with a cup. The cup rolled away from her and she got into crawling position (which she's been able to do for awhile but would previously just rock back and forth then go back to sitting) and took a couple crawls over to the cup. I don't know if you call them crawls, but there has to be a word for that right? Crawls is to crawling as steps is to walking? (Trying out my analogy skills here, how'd that work for ya?) Excited, I got down on the floor with her (and the video camera of course) and took away the cup so that she could crawl to it again. After a couple minutes of prodding, she did!!! I got it on tape and everything. Later on last night, Keith's family was over for dinner and she crawled again for them. They said it looked like she had been crawling for awhile, not that she had just started that day. I was going to put the video up on here, but it's a little too long and I'm way too lazy to edit it down to just the crawling part. When she wakes up from her nap I'll try to tape her again. I'm just so excited that she's moving now. You can tell that she wants to play with her sisters and she gets sad when they leave the room. Now she can try to keep up with them.
And in other news, she also has five teeth now. Three on top, two on bottom.
And sorry about all the run on sentences and use of parentheses in this post. I don't know what I was thinking.
...only to be replaced by the toothless monster. I can't remember if I told you guys about Amya's extra tooth. I'm pretty sure I didn't. But if I did, you can just skip over this part.
Back in January, I was playing with Amya and thought I saw something in her mouth. I had her open wide and, right behind her two front teeth, I saw another tooth growing in. Her two front teeth were loose, but not anywhere near loose enough to come out. I thought "Oh great. Here's her permanent tooth coming in, way out of place. We're gonna have huge orthodontist bills." So I called the dentist and scheduled an appt to have her two front teeth pulled out. When we got there, he looked at it and said they needed to take an x-ray to see exactly what was going on. When the x-ray was ready he showed it to me and said it was exactly what he thought it was - an EXTRA tooth!! I couldn't believe it, how do you get an extra tooth? He said it's really not that rare, but that it usually happens when they're younger. He said since it wasn't in very far that we should wait a few months before we had it pulled. He needed more of it to be out so that there'd be more to grab on to when he extracted it.
Fast forward to Tuesday (two days ago). We set up Amya's appt to have her tooth taken out. She wasn't too scared about it, although she did ask me why we couldn't just leave it in. But seriously, that tooth was taking over her mouth! We were calling her sharkgirl, cause she had that tooth growing in like it was a new row or something. Here's a picture for proof. (By the way if you click on the picture, you can see the tooth in all its humongous glory.)
After they pulled out the extra one, the dentist asked if I wanted him to pull out her two front teeth as well. They were about to come out, and since she was already numbed up, I told him to go ahead. So now we have the toothless monster.
She did really well at the dentist. They asked if I wanted her to have laughing gas to help calm her down. The only time I had laughing gas it made me feel awful and I didn't want that to happen to her, so I said no. She got a little upset while they were numbing her but after that she was fine. I was so proud of my brave little girl. She asked if she could keep the extra tooth because she thought the tooth fairy would give her more for it. That thing is huge! But, she hasn't remembered to put it under her pillow yet, so I don't know what the tooth fairy's going to do. :)